Say "synonym rolls" five times fast.
Impossible, right? Okay.. maybe not impossible, but rather difficult. I made you do that for a reason.. read on! Read on!
While grading the last benchmark, I realized that my students struggled identifying synonyms in context. Yikes! I had a few ideas brewing in my head, but thanks to this delightful pin... my plans changed!
Luckily, fall is the perfect time to whip up a fresh batch of Synonym Rolls. It was the perfect attention-getter and way to spend time reviewing synonyms and using a beloved thesaurus.
As a class, we defined synonyms in our vocabulary notebooks. Then, we took the "boring word"said and thought of OTHER ways to say said. After creating quite the list, I introduced the rolls. Their assignment was to write the main/boring/overused word in the middle of the roll. Then, along the spirally goodness write words with similar meanings.
It was a great way for me to meet with small groups and talk about using a thesaurus and what synonyms really are.
For example: We picked the boring word "mean" for one roll. One student said, "Well, my sister is mean.. so can I add sister to my roll?" This sparked another discussion about what synonyms are and what they are not.
And since it seems I'm only thinking about the sweet treats department, I have to include one of the recipes I'm preparing for my upcoming small group meeting (at out little apartment for the first time!)
The Picky Apple is a brilliant blogger who posted a recipe for Pumpkin Crunch Cake. Since there are only a few ingredients in this dish... let's cross our fingers I don't mess this one up. (Also...I will make a different desert for Josh as the pecans will kill him)
It's past 9:00!? How am I even awake? It's bedtime. Plus, I've begun to italicize one too many things in this post. Time to depart. Enjoy the weekend!
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